Renato Paz who, although has had a long passion for image, has elected author photography as his favorite art, form of expression for the past 6 years.
Long fascinated by images as an observer, feels that photography inspires him to capture specific images, thus the reason he embraced photography as his art of choice for documenting and expressing emotions.
Besides the technical aspect of photography, his main references revolve around all the visual culture he absorbs, most of the time in other types of art rather than photography, but always keeping something as natural as his own experiences. That’s the identity behind the camera and that’s the reason why he shoots photographs.
Not having a favorite photography category, he enhances creative images development, such as publicity photography, as a way of applying all the technical and practical knowledge he acquired, along with his imagination.
Right now, Renato explores the most diverse photography categories, placing his identity in each one of them and promotes his works on exhibitions or publications.
Photo Equipment
Centro Veterinário de Seia - Portugal - (link)
16th June to 31st August
Exposição de Fotografia "JET 4"
NOTE: The customers also can take some photos with the pets
Maria Xica - Viseu, Portugal
January - February
Cadeira Amarela - Viseu, Portugal - (link)
Artis XII
3th May - 30st June
"Grandma Home" - (link)
Posto de Turismo de Seia, Portugal - (link)
7th January - 31st January
Artis XI
7th May - 5th June
AFP EXPOFOTO 2012 - Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
Artis X
7th May - 5th June
"Self Titled 1-2"
Tricena - Exposição Colectiva
Galeria de exposições temporárias do Museu Municipal de Penamacor
8th May - 6th June
Artis IX
8th May - 6th June
"Caixa Mágica"
Artis 8
9th May - 7th June
"Avenida 1º de Maio"
CineEco Seia, Portugal - (link) (video)
17th October - 24th October
« Cidade » Drosophila Contracena
Exposição de Fotografia “Oldschool” em Seia - (link1) (link2) (link3)
Pose & Style (Camerapixo) - 2014 - (link)
FOTO4ALL.RO - Issue 24 25 July August 2013 - Pages 86 ~ 88
FWAPHOTO.com - 10/01/2013
Camerapixo 18 - 2012 - Pages 250/251 - (link)
Conteconnosco Contest 2011 - 3rd Place - "B-Side"
Composições gráficas de Renato Paz - (link)
Revista Egoísta 44 - Fotografia - Dezembro 2010 - Pages 77/78 - (link)